The Summer Academy at Tallahassee State College is a 6-week program. Students who participate in this program will be able to accomplish greater academic success by establishing peer and staff relationships, familiarizing and using campus resources, and learning how to navigate their academic and college success. Students who complete the program may earn up to 6 college credits. All information provided will be used to determine admission into the Summer Academy at Tallahassee State College. All information will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. Completing and submitting this application indicates that, If Selected: I understand the requirements and I am able to commit to the entire 6-week Summer Academy 2025. Application Deadline: April 4
Include Apt Number on Street Address line
Please answer the following questions.
The demographic information below will be used to obtain grants to expand student services for the Summer Academy Program.
Including yourself
I certify that the above information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If accepted I am aware that I will need to attend an orientation prior to the start of the Summer Academy Program. I give the Summer Academy staff permission to obtain my Academic Record for verification.